

人気タグ⇒ 車載動画 パチンコ バイク Wii 大神 エロゲ VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 進撃の巨人 ドラクエ BO2 

【MMD】Rhythm Nation【Janet Jackson】を本家と比較した

This is awesome.Generally, it's so hard to trace the dancing motion.Especially,Micheal or Janet, such a super dancer's motion is so complicated.It takes a lot of time to trace it. But, this video perfectly mimics Janet by MMD and surprisingly the length of that video is 4 minutes over! Thanks for her effort. (作者が海外の人らしいので英語を使ってみた。)MMD ver.→sm11542398 Original ver.→sm7810624, sm2571095

投稿日:2010-08-22 01:22:48
PV:3084  コメ:15  マイリス:18

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