Comments in English would be appreciated, but you can comment in any language you want.(英語でコメントいただければ幸いですが、あなたが望む任意の言語でコメントすることができます。) nm7449458mp3 with background harmonies! And boy isn't this song harmony -heavy-! I had so much fun with it though, can you tell? It's about time that I recorded a Gumi song! Not to mention, I'm very happy with the overall quality of this one.*Cultural Note:The song refers to a 'rabbit on the moon' who is making mochi (rice cakes). Though for us, we would know this little guy as 'The Man on the Moon'.Interesting how other countries see things differently! Hence all the little dancing rabbits and bunny billboards all over the place.mylist/14188621 user/13709795